Monday, October 19, 2009

Come & Join Us!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

BIT (Hons) in Software Engineering Exhibition 2009

Over the years, Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Information Technology (UniKL MIIT) had organized many informative activities for student as a platform before entering in working environment. UniKL bachelor’s student has been required to organizing Software Exhibition (SWE) 1 and 2 as prerequisite before graduate. SWE 1 and 2 2009 involve 59 students of BIT (Hons.) in Software Engineering, lecturers and staffs and 15 projects will be present in this exhibition. The exhibition can bring beneficial to students and visitors in order to meet the company needs.

SWE 1 and 2 required to exhibit Final Year Project (FYP) products and also to introduce the environment of software engineering in UniKL MIIT to public. The exhibition also gives opportunity to students to let them share the information and skills to others. These such programs will have more relative activities and variety of system represent from all of SWE’s students to share their knowledge and experiences in software engineering fields.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


ucapan tahniah kepada semua graduan BSE untuk majlis graduasi Ahad ini. jadikan segala ilmu yang ada untuk memajukan diri. semoga perjalanan kita semua selepas ini dipermudahkanNYA & terus cemerlang.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Pesanan Penaja

" salam,dear bseians..i would like to have a testimoni on intra.currently,intra is conducted in sem 6.i do hope and hv to get ur testimoni or opinion whether to have it in sem 8 just like first batch.pls state ur experience,which sem u undergone for intra?what company name,offer job or not..etc.pls reply asap.ur help meaningful for ur junior.may allah bless on ur kind.thanks.pls distribute to others. "

text from Miss Syaraz...

do respond in the comment site ok...

Pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat Oleh
Sitekateki dD

Friday, May 8, 2009

BSEian Database

Salam & Selamat Sejahtera to all BSEians

Sebelum student BSE yang tamat belajar makin ramai & lost contact, aku ingin mengumpulkan or buat satu database berkaitan. senang nak contact if ada plan nak wat reunion ke gathering ke. aku ada discuss tentang hal ni ngan Ms. Sha hari tu. so, really need all ur cooperation.

email to me all the information needed as below at

1 - Batch bila (intake kemasukan, time korang 1st time reg)
2 - Nama (fullname + nickname)
3 - Alamat (yg senang posmen nak jejak)
4 - No tel (yg aktif & mudah dihubungi)
5 - Email address (yg aktif & selalu dijenguk)
6 - Date of birthday
7 - Status (if dah kawen & ada anak, if possible, state sekali nama anak & DOB)

thank you in advance

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pre - Exhibition 2009

email from Mr.PM

salam kawan2...
ni ak ada attach event activities (gaming), community tag and sample landyard untuk exhibition BSE 2009..ak harap korang dpt inform yg lain yg aku tk email kat dorang skali kay? to inform them...tq

so, selepas kitorang adakan meeting untuk exhibition baru2 ni...
kitorang dah decide, untuk gaming kitorng dah buat satu event activity pada kedua2 hari tersebut...(bleh refer .doc)

untuk first day exhibition,
1. ucapan dr MC
2. view montage untuk BSE
3. launching ceremony drpd dean MIIT (memotong reben)
4. selepas dean MIIT merasmikan exhibition BSe, akan di jemput untuk dean MIIT + head section + lecturer yg telibat untuk evaluate tiap2 system yg ditunjuk dlm booth BSE
* tiap2 evaluator akan diberikan form untk evaluate tiap2 system
5. MC akan cover kat atas stage untuk memeriahkan lg majlis

dalam pukul 12.30 a.m - 2.00 p.m (estimated time)
1. akan adakan nyanyian drpada jemputan2 khas. (bleh refer kepada committee protocol untuk maklumat lanjut)

untuk second day exhibition,
- refer to gaming.doc
- event yg lain seperti agenda yg dijadualkan

* jika ada ape2 pertanyaan, sila PM me...TQ for ur cooperation..

Event Activities


Registration Game – Dota Math 10.45 a.m

Buleyes Mind 10.45 a.m – 4.30 p.m

Dota Math 11.00 a.m – 1.30 p.m

Fast Typing 2.00 p.m – 4.30 p.m


Registration (Fast Typing) 9.30 a.m

Bulleyes Mind 9.30 a.m – 4.30 p.m

Fast Typing 10.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m

Registration (Dota Math) 1.30 p.m – 2.00 p.m

Dota Math 2.00 p.m – 4.30 p.m

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good Luck To FYP 2

Good luck to FYP 2 tomorrow. Try your best to answering the question. Confident is the keyword to success. Cheersss!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


SMS from Arifah for all BSEians. She asked to post it in the blog.

" Arifah tlg bgtw kwn2 yg lain dtg try baju kul 12 ni kt ting 3. Org pun baru tau pagi ni..Sorry "

ada pembetulan sedikit...

" Try baju start 3pm - 5.30pm at level 3 jmpa k.imah "

thats all...nothing more...

Convo - Convo Beb !!!

Congratulations to all graduates !!!

Universiti Kuala Lumpur 6th Convocation Ceremony will be held on October 10 – 11, 2009.

The venue for the 6th Convocation Ceremony will be Plenary Hall, Putrajaya International Convention Centre, Putrajaya (PICC). Details as follows:

Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)
Precint 5, 62000 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel: +603 88876000
Fax: +603 8888 6499

For more information on Putrajaya International Convention Centre including the map to PICC, please visit

Rehearsal and Convocation Briefing
All graduates attending the Convocation Ceremony are required to be present during the rehearsal session which will be on October 9, 2009 (Friday).

Details will be updated soon.

Convocation Sessions
There will three sessions as per details below:

Day 1: First Session
Date : October 10, 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 8.00 am – 2.00 pm

8.00 am : Arrival of Parents and Guests
8.50 am : Procession of Graduates

: Procession of Academic Staff

: Main Procession enters the hall

: Doa Recital

: Opening Declaration of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Speech by President/Chief Executive Officer of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Royal Convocation Address by HRH Chancellor of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Conferment of Degree and Diploma

: Presentation of Best Student Awards

: Valedictorian Speech

: Adjournment of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Procession Leaves the Hall

: End of Ceremony

Day 2 : Second Session
Date : October 11, 2009 (Sunday)
Time : 8.00 am – 12.30 pm

8.00 am : Arrival of Parents and Guests
8.35 am : Procession of Graduates

: Procession of Academic Staff

: Main Procession Enters the Hall
9.00 am : Doa Recital

: Opening Declaration of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Speech by President / Chief Executive Officer of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Speech by Pro Chancellor of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Conferment of Diploma

: Adjournment of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Procession Leaves the Hall

Day 2 : Third Session
Date : October 11, 2009 (Sunday)
Time : 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

2.00 pm : Arrival of Parents and Guests
2.45 pm : Procession of Graduates

: Procession of Academic Staff

: Main Procession Enters the Hall

: Doa Recital

: Opening Declaration of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Speech by President / Chief Executive Officer of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Speech by Pro Chancellor of Universiti Kuala Lumpur

: Conferment of Diploma

: Adjournment of Sixth Convocation Ceremony

: Procession Leaves the Hall

: End of Ceremony

Details are subject to changes.

Convocation Programme
  • First Session
  • Second Session
  • Third Session

Details of the programme will be updated.

List of Graduates by Campuses
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia France Institute (UniKL MFI)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (UniKL BMI)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute (UniKL MSI)
  • Malaysian Institute of Information Technology (MIIT)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (UniKL MIAT)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Chemical Bioengineering Technology (UniKL MICET)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET)
  • Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of medicine Perak (UniKL RCMP)
  • Institute of Product Design and Manufacturing (IPROM)

Details of the recipients name will be updated.

List of Best Student Awards Recipients

Coming up….

Convocation Rules & Guideline
Coming up …

Convocation Forms
Coming up…

Respond to Anonymous comment

Anonymous said...

kalau takut delete la..
kalau berani tak payah delete..
berani kerana benar takut kerana salah..
biar semua ni jadi bahan bukti...
yang blog nie bukan utk musim musim yerr..

dah "diorg" tue "memanaskan" keadaaan...
kami yg minoriti nie.. menegakkan lagi ape yg patut disuarakan..
kalau tak "diorg" hanya tau menunding jari pada org lain aje..
diri sendiri tak nak diukur dulu..
ukur diri sendiri dulu..
baru la ukur org lain....

oppsieee ukur sikap & attitude okeyyyy..

awak relyza.. tau awak tue senior.. bukan sepatutnya senior menasihatkan junior ke.. jgn keruhkan lagi keadaan yg sudah sedia keruh..
igt ye.. senior okeyyy.. MENASIHAT secara BAIKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...

tue org org yang komen kat atas sekali.. yg ada "kepala hotak"& "kelapaq sgt ker duit aku??? layak lar muka korang kannnn...."

bila founder dah tutup shoutbox, lepas kat sini pulak.. ada ke patut.. sape yg sepatut dipersalakan??
kalau kakak senior relyza boleh jawabkan.. sila la jawab.. patut "diorg" menyatakan pendapat dalam mesyuarat atau melepaskan kat sini???


p/s: sila jgn hide kan entry comment nie.. biar semua org tahu ape keadaan sebenarnya.. dan menyatakan luahan mereka sebenarnya.. jika hide.. memang anda takut sebenarnya.. bukan nak selamatkan keadaan!!!

April 10, 2009 9:32 AM

terima kasih kpd Anonymous atas segala komen2 anda. nampaknya, pihak anda amat tidak berpuas hati dgn keadaan BSE skrg. to be more specific, to certain people in BSE which might be in-charge directly or indirectly the coming up exhibition.

tindakan untuk memadam sesetengah komen bukanlah kerana takut. pd aku sebagai salah seorang admin, ia tindakan yg wajar kerana blog ini bukan hanya diakses oleh BSEians tetapi oleh orang luar seperti para pensyarah, pelajar jurusan lain, etc... adalah tindakan bodoh dr pihak kita dengan memperlihatkan kekalutan dalaman di antara pelajar BSE. harap maklum dengan apa jua tindakan dr pihak admin blog BSE adalah untuk kebaikan bersama. segala bahan bukti tersebut akan disimpan oleh pihak admin. pihak Anonymous tidak perlu risau berkenaan itu kerana pihak admin amat "transparent" berkenaan perkara ini.

"ko kata aku" & "aku kata ko". itulah keadaan sekarang antara kedua belah pihak, samada dr pihak majoriti atau dr pihak minoriti. aku faham pihak minoriti berasa pandangan dan suara anda tidak didengar oleh pihak majoriti. seperti yg aku tekankan pd entry yg lepas, respect each other & kerjasama!

secara jujur, aku sbg senior sedih ngan keadaan skrg. aku tidak menyebelahkan sesiapa kerana aku sedar border line aku takat mana. teguran aku secara BAIK disalahanggap oleh pihak Anonymous. aku sama sekali tidak cuba untuk campurtangan, MEMPENGARUHI & MEMPROPAGANDA secara SENYAP berkenaan isu2 BSE, samada di blog atau di luar blog. i do admit yg aku tak berapa jelas dgn apa yg berlaku. apa yg aku faham & nampak, terdapat pihak2 tidak bertanggungjawab menggunakan ruangan blog ini untuk menyatakan ketidakpuasanhati pihak mereka kpd pihak2 terbabit.

as i said in previous entry, sila gunakan medium sewajarnya untuk menyalurkan rasa tidak puas hati tersebut. para pensyarah BSE amat terbuka untuk mendengar luahan hati pelajar BSE. aku amat tidak setuju & menggalakkan blog BSE ini digunakan sebagai medium untuk menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati tersebut. kepada pihak majoriti, sila berlaku adil kepada pihak minoriti. mereka masih BSE walau pihak mereka terpencil dikalangan kita. suara hati mereka patut didengar untuk kemajuan & kebaikan BSE keseluruhannya.

shoutbox itu bukan isu utama. fungsi ia akan diaktifkan semula dalam masa terdekat selepas isu utama diketahui & diperhalusi utk mencapai kata sepakat semua. harap maklum..

p/s: aku bersedia mendengar luahan hati pihak minoriti & pihak Anonymous. kalau korang kenal aku, korang boleh contact thru YM, email or face-by-face...

hanya sebagai teguran

salam & selamat sejahtera BSEians

thanks sebab masih menggerakkan blog BSE ini. ia menunjukkan betapa kuatnya ikatan kita sesama student BSE@MIIT. walau sudah tamat belajar mahupun baru mengenali BSE...kita tetap sama okeh!

tapi tolong jangan jadikan blog ini bermusim. bila nak exhibition, memang laju entry kat blog ini. memang ramai visitor blog ini. tapi, dari pemerhatian aku selama SR kat blog ni...kunjungan sesetengahnya semata2 untuk meninggalkan komen sekaligus "memanaskan" suasana. tolong jaga tiap patah kata yg korang taip. tiap pandangan para pengunjung amat dihargai dan kita terima tetapi sila menggunakan ayat yg sopan. jangan hanya tahu menunding jari ke sana ke sini walhal kesilapan sendiri kita tak sedar & more worst, tak nak mengakuinya!!

as a senior for BSE, i do proud to be BSE. ada korang sebagai junior. amat best!! amat sayang akan korang semua... plsss guys, respect each other. jangan hentam/tikam belakang. anything tak puas hati, speak out. ambil kesempatan meeting2 yg ada tu untuk suarakan pandangan korang. but plsss use proper languange. tak salahkan kalo kita berbudi, bersopan, bersantun...

others will respect u when u respect others...

d most important is "KERJASAMA"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Because of technical problems, this account will take over by G-mail. Due to complaint from certain parties.
Thanks You.

Rudeness and politics blogger !!

Due to some blogger not respect others blogger, BSE-X initially suspend all Shoutout and Post Comment with immediate effect temporarily. Please bear in mind that you guys responsible for any comment and justification u done in here. All respective non-manners blogger will be trace with IP and bannned. All admin to publish any post please include your emel for replying matters.

This is a FINAL REMINDER and no signature required.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Seminar 2

Attention to all BSEians seniors.

Here just to soft remind u guys the slot for presentation your 1 year works of FYP soon.
Please follow the time posted and remember, this is your day and don't be late yer! Have a gud presentation, and BSE-X wish u a heavy GUD LUCK!

Date : 17th April 09
Venue : 19th Floor City Campus Lab 1908
Attire : Very smart. Very Nice.

1st Presenter : Online Booking Soccer XL
Members: Zaim Razak and Hafiz Ahmad
Sprv: Mdm Robiah Hamzah
Panels: Mdm Nik Azlina
Time: 9.00am

2nd Presenter : eLazim-an Electronic Lazim Verse Translation
Members: Hizami Latip , Mariah Yussof and Mahadir Ariffin
Sprv: Ms Haidah Abu Haris
Panels: Mdm Robiah Hamzah + Mdm Nik Azlina
Time: 9.30am

3rd Presenter : UniKL Forum Community
Members: Che Faizzuan Hafith and Bahiyatul Nazirah
Sprv: Mdm Nik Azlina
Panels: Mdm Robiah Hamzah + Mdm Suguneswari
Time: 10.00am

4th Presenter : Manufacturing Resource Planning: Implementation Through Web-based Application
Members: Mohd Syafiq and Nur Ariffah
Sprv: Mdm Suriana Bt Ismail
Panels: Mdm Suguneswari
Time: 10.30am

5th Presenter : Manufacturing Resource Planning: Implementation Through Web-based Application
Members: Mohd Ehsan and Norul Huda
Sprv: Mdm Suriana Bt Ismail
Panels: Mdm Suguneswari
Time: 11.00am

6th Presenter : Portable Electronic Summon
Members: Mohd Latif, Shakirin and Afiq Aishamudin
Sprv: Mdm Zanariah
Panels: Sr Nizam Husen
Time: 11.30am

7th Presenter : UniKL E-Mobile Info
Members: Nor Shahidah and Nur Azirah
Sprv: Sr Nizam Husen
Panels: Mdm Zanariah
Time: 2.30pm

*you guys is advise to set up all the equipment's first before presentation day due to every details is counting..

The BSE Corporate Shirt for Exhibition 2009

Finally baju yg menjadi pertelingkahan selama ini telah terjawab dan secara rasmi nyer sepakat telah memilih baju Kemeja Koporat ini untuk menjadi baju rasmi Exhibition BSE 2009. Semoga dgn pemilihan ni akan meredakan spekulasi terhadap baju yg selama ini manjadi isu hangat dlm pembentangan mesyuarat.

Sketch BSE Corporate shirt 2009....

Click for show the design

any comment and suggestion acceptable here....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

7's FYP2 System Preview

Well, here all the exhibitors 2 artworks exclusive preview for upcoming seminar and exhibition soon. Pleased to mention that all the artworks is reserved by their copyright and absolutely no request for handover system. All the system previewed will be open for public voting and that is not effects at any ways the final grading for the semester result. Good Luck for seminar 2 and happy programming.

Online Booking Soccer XL
Desg/Devl : Zaim Razak and Hafiz Ahmad
Sprv: Mdm Robiah Hamzah

UniKL E-Mobile Info
Desg/Devl : Nur Shahidah and Nur Azirah
Sprv: Sr Nizam Husen

eLazim : an Electronic Lazim Verse Translation
Desg/Devl : Hizami Latip , Mariah Yussof and Mahadir Ariffin
Sprv: Ms Haidah Abu Haris

Portable Electronic Summon
Desg/Devl : Mohd Latif, Shakirin and Afiq Aishamudin
Sprv: Mdm Zanariah

Manufacturing Resource Planning: Implementation Through Web-based Application
Desg/Devl : Mohd Syafiq, and Nur Ariffah (Impl. Module 1)
Desg/Devl : Norul Huda and Mohd Ihsan (Impl. Module 2)
Sprv: Mdm Suriana Bt Ismail

UniKL Forum Community
Desg/Devl : Che Mohd Faizzuan Hafith and Bahiyatul Nazirah
Sprv: Mdm Nik Azlina

*All the system previewed based upon group resignation and restrict to Blogger permission..

New From BSE Exhibition 2009

Lagi info untuk BSE Exhibition 2009.. banting dan flayers baru hasil cipta terpelihara untuk exhibition.. comment lah ok..

Flayers BSE Exhibition 2009

Banting BSE Exhibition 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

System Tester Request

In collaboration with Final Year Presentation and BSE Exhibition, BSE's exhibitor for Electronic Lazim Verse Translation (eLazim) is looking for year 1 or 2 Bachelor in Software Engineering to participate the Technical Testing with requirements. All the hosting files will be provided. Complimentary goodies for first 5 participants. Please drop by your ID number and HP number @ Time and date will be consult later.


Monday, March 30, 2009

BSE Exhibition 2009 Banner, Poster & Banting

Kena ngan tema BSE Exhibition 2009 kali ini "Tropicana" ala2 relax dan santia.... kena lak ngan seruan earth hour sempena ngan selamatkan dunia dari kepanasan global... wah motivasi lak kan.. tak kisah lah aper2 tema pun yg penting matlamat utama exhibition ni tercapai betul tak...

Tapi hasil kekreaktivefan AJK marketing dan promosi harus di beri pujian.. tanpa mereka punya kerahan idea maka tidak akan berhasil lah semua ini.. tahniah untuk korang dan juga good luck untuk semua BSEian semoga success kali ni dan mengulangi kejaayan yg lepas ok...

Banner for BSE Exhibition 2009

Poster for BSE Exhibition 2009

Banting For BSE Exhibition 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The RED Etxraordinary BSE Open Day 2009

Memang meletop lah booth BSE sempena dgn Open Day Unikl 2009... Bertema "Merah Saga" seluruh pelusuk di warnai merah tanda garang wkakakakak... tetap menjadi booth pilihan pengunjung... di sini di lampirkan gambar2 sempanjang event tu belansung... buat tatapan semua ok the best for BSE.. and moga lagi vouge untuk Exhibition 2009 nanti ok....

Booth BSE dari dalam.... lampu sponser hehehehhe

Ni pandagan depan kecik2 cili padi...

Receptionist begaya menuggu tetamu

antara AJK yg terlibat sepanjang Open Day kecuali yg tnggi tu

sempat posse ngan pelawat walaupun penat..

Maaf gambar ni jer yg ader dlm simpanan admin yg lain tu tak dpt.... janji ado...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

T-shirt For BSE members

This t-shirt untuk jualan kepada sapa2 student BSE yg berminat untuk beli dan buat tempahan boleh lah berhubung terus dgn Wan Syahid - 017 3166771

Sila beri Nama, Saiz & Duit

23hb Mac 2009 (deposit separuh harga)

31hb Mac 2009 (bayaran penuh)

RM 20 Sehelai (Lengan Pendek)

RM26 Sehelai (Lengan Panjang)

Pilih yg maner berkenan di hati.... keluaran khas sempena exhibition 2009....

Design Pertama....

Design Kedua...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Exhibitor BSE Exhibition 2009

The list for exhibitor by department.... Hope can be the best event in this semester.. Good Luck!!

click for view the figure

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jom Jalan2 Cari Wardrobe

last wednesday few geng2 bse (mady, syaq, wan amsyar, arm, dD) gi jalan2 cari baju utk exhibiton yg dah x berapa lama nak start......

geng2 cari baju...

model 1 : wan dengan shirt from G2000...

model 2: arm with shirt from metrojaya

model 3 (import khas) : epit with SEED shirt...

more pic click here

Tiada satu pun baju yg menjadi pilihan untuk exhibit kali ini kerana karenah birokrasi......
Harap maklum.....